Thursday, May 22, 2008

Learing curve...

I have always found that imitating someones drawing style is one thing,but learning from it is much more. I respect mr Stephen Silver, and two of the three pages I have uploaded are drawn from one of his books.

I have no intentions though of copying his style,but learning from it. All animators,and artists for that matter,spend their life striving to build their own style. The last image I have attached is of a giant I am working on. While the work is clearly unfinished,and unrefined, I think that picture in itself illustrates my style,and where it's at right now.

While right now it is very unrefined,and the page is from my sketch book,so it is a work in progress as well. My style is pretty much in a stage of evolution. It most definitely will be for the next few years, but I hope that at this point it shows some sort of footprint that it is,in itself,it's own style,and unlike anyone elses. If at any time I feel my style is mimicing or like turning into a copy of someone elses I look to new inspiration , or just straight up draw things from the back of my mind.

I will be updating again after the weekend,and posting some of my first water colour drawings.

Until then kids, keep it real